The Freezer Longline Coalition represents participants in the freezer longline sector of the Alaska cod fishery in the Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands and Gulf of Alaska. FLC membership eligibility is defined by possession of one or more of 36 LLP licenses to operate in the freezer longline sector. Our members include nine Alaska and Washington-based entities who in 2021 operated 17 active freezer longline vessels in the fishery. Members are comprised of private, family-owned businesses, an Alaska Native Corporation and Community Development Quota organizations who support coastal communities across western Alaska.
All FLC members are also participants in the Freezer Longline Conservation Cooperative, a voluntary cooperative established in 2010 to facilitate the improved sustainability and management of the fishery. FLCC members work to ensure the efficient and responsible harvest of the Alaska cod quota allocated to the sector, including to maximize optimum yield and minimize bycatch.
FLC members employ about 1,250-1,500 officers and crew on their freezer longline vessels each year, with about 20-25 persons on board on a given trip. Vessels have one-to-two rotations of officers and crew a year. Onshore, members directly employ about 200 persons in Alaska and Washington on work related to the management and operations of their businesses.